Showing 181–192 of 454 results
SATINO Air Refresher Premium AR2 – Dozator osvježivača prostora
Šifra: 332800
Dimenzije (mm) 145(W) x (H)152 x 87(D)
SATINO Air Refresher Premium Ginger Flower 50ml, AR2 – Patrona svjezivaca prostora 225ml za dozator 332800
Svježi miris zelenog bilja i citrusnih nota sa duhom čistoće i istočnjačkim utiskom.
Visoka nota: zeleno voće — bergamot, limun, naranča, grejp
Srednja nota – svježe cvjetno začinsko – eukaliptus, ozon, đumbir, orhideja, ruža, ljubičica
Bazna nota: labdanum, ambergris, sandalovina, puderasti koktel mošusaBrand Satino Coding Product AR2
Airrefresher Premium Ginger Flower
Dimensions (mm) : 52 x 49 x 116mm , Packaging unit 1 x 6
SATINO Centerfeed towel roll dispenser Plus CF1 – Dozator ubrusa iz rolne, centralno izvlačenje
Šifra: 331000
Dimensions (mm) 257 (W) x 281 (H) x 226 (D)
SATINO Clean&Care dispenser manual large SF1 – Dozator tečnog sapuna-pjene-manuelni, patrona 1000ml
Šifra: 331100
Dimenzije (mm) 154(W) x 293(H) x 112 (D)
SATINO Clean&Care dispenser sensor large SF1 – Dozator sapuna-pjene senzorski, veći 1000ml
Šifra: 331060
Dimenzije (mm) 154 (W) x 268 (H) x 112(D)
SATINO Prestige Hand towel rolls centerfeed CF1- Rol ubrus, centralno izvlacenje 6x150m’ 2sl, 20×25 cm, celuloza, Ecolabel
Rol ubrus visoke bjeline, vrhunske kvalitete od 100% celuloze sa maksimalnom snagom čišćenja i upijanja.
Brand Satino prestige
Coding label / certification CF1 EU Ecolabel, FSC®-Mix, 36. recommendation short term, Dermatest Guarantee
Embossing Diamond
Quality Cellulose
Layer 2
Length / Roll (m) 150
Sheetsize 20 x 25
Roll Diameter (cm) 20
Diameter core (cm) 6
Sheets / Roll 600
Grammage g/sqm/ Ply 17,7
Color Bright white
Rolls / Pack 6
Pallet 40
Width transport unit (cm) 40
Length of transport unit (cm) 60
Height of transport unit (cm) 20
net weight (kg) / Roll 1,06
net weight (kg) / transport unit 6,37
SATINO Prestige hand towel rolls Tissue 120m’ , PT1 – Rol ubrus autocut 6x120m’, 3 sloja, celuloza – Ecolabel
Rolne papirnatih ubrusa u kvaliteti pulpe. Najviši standardi udobnosti i higijene, dostupni kao standardna ili XXL rolna.
Brand Satino prestige
Coding PT1
label / certification EU Ecolabel, 36. recommendation short term, FSC® certificated, Dermatest Guarantee
Embossing Waffle
Quality Cellulose
Layer 3
Length / Roll (m) 120
Sheetsize 20.5
Roll Diameter (cm) 19
Diameter core (cm) 4.3
Sheets / Roll 1
Grammage g/sqm/ 16.1
Ply Colour Bright white
Rolls / Pack 6
Pallet 40
Width transport unit (cm) 38
Length of transport unit (cm) 57
Height of transport unit (cm) 20.5
net weight (kg) / Roll 1,19
net weight (kg) / transport unit 7.13
SATINO Single-sheet toilet paper dispenser Plus BT1 – Dozator toalet papira u listićima
Šifra: 333150
Dimenzije (mm) 149 (W) x 357 (H) x 162,5(D)